So proud



Will left the cracker drawer open and the cat went in. This was not ok.


He kept fixing the problem even after she got out.

Will is going to be an early drawer too… He has been working on circles. Not even 20 months!


Talking to my kids

Will is having a great week for new words: bubble, apple, ball, uh oh.

And I had a great talk with Noah yesterday. He wanted to sleep in my bed because he gets scared, and I suggested that Will could sleep with him. He didn’t like that idea because Will can’t fight monsters. So I changed course and tried to convince him that monsters didn’t exist. “But what if you’re wrong?” I said if they did we would surely have seen it on the news and on the internet. But he closed that down- he said if anyone ever saw a monster they would get eaten, so we would never know.


I thought Will wanted me to come and play cars, so I took my bowl of Cheerios with me, but really this is what he was so excited to show me.



So we sat and watched the parked trucks for a bit, and he ate my lunch. And was thrilled about it.

The trucks are from the water utility, who have been replacing pipe around our neighborhood for a few weeks. Currently, our street has been overnight storage for the diggers, and I think they will be digging up our street tomorrow. The kids have been big fans of this, and this morning we were leaving for school when one of the guys was moving a mini machine with a remote control. We just stopped to look and he offered Noah a chance to drive it. Definitely worth being a few minutes late.

More party prep

I am ridiculously proud of the pin the sock on dobby game:


Party prep

Is Noah’s party going to be awesome? Why, yes it is.


Awesome things, Halloween edition

Vampower teeth!

It’s night time. Soon it will be bite time.

(How do you know about Frankenstein?) When I was a baby in your tummy, I built a tv and watched that show.


Will took six steps in a row yesterday! With six witnesses. (He has been walking very steadily holding one hand for quite a while, so he is very ready, but not quite brave enough to try on his own.)

Will art

Age 13 months


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